Our cleaners in the London studio had just started their own cleaning company, and when they realised what we did at The Partners, asked if we could help redesign their letterhead. They had one condition, the eagle stays!
Proud Colombians, Luis and William, told us the eagle was an important symbol to them, even if it was just a Microsoft clip art eagle in the corner of their invoices. An unusual brief, but we treated it as a unique opportunity. Thankfully, it turned out the name was a gift and the solution was just waiting to be found.
Luis and William were chuffed to bits with the outcome, and we worked with them beyond just the letterhead, creating stationery, some promotional items, uniforms and a simple website.
Designed at The Partners
with Jack Renwick
with Jack Renwick

The gloves create a memorable logo,
and a flexible asset, adding a bit of
personality in a usually sterile sector.
The gloves create a memorable logo,
and a flexible asset, adding a bit of
personality in a usually sterile sector.

The gloves come to life in video
adding some surprise, and a little
free 'service'.
The gloves come to life in video
adding some surprise, and a little
free 'service'.